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I Made Money Today

Woo-Hoo, that's right I made money today! Okay so it was only about .30 cents but hey, that's .30 cents more then I had yesterday. I made it off of one of my Xomba articles, which motivates me to write some more for them. As of right now I have two Xombytes and six Xomblurbs.

Now that I have motivation, what do I write about? That's always the issue isn't it? I want to write but can not focus on what I should write about. Everyone says, write what you know, write what interests you. Do you ever sit there and wonder if anyone is interested in what you are interested in? Or how about, are they interested in what you have to say? Well you never know until you try. I also know that it is easier said then done, and you can drive yourself nuts wondering what other people are interested in. You could go to google trends, but in the end if you choose a topic from there it is a trend, and trends slow down. So for now I'm going to pretend that everyone is interested in what I am interested in and I'm going to throw it on the wall and see what sticks.

I guess that leads me to the most important thing which is getting a little SEO skills going. So I'm off to search for SEO info. If you have any advice on where to look or what blogs to check out, it is always welcomed.

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Signed Up For Info Barrel

So a few days ago I signed up for Info Barrel. It's a bit like Xomba, where it is a site that you can write articles, and you get to share in the google adsense profits made off of ads that appear next to your articles.

The biggest difference is that Info Barrel wants your content to be original. If you have it published anywhere else on the web, then they will not accept it. I personally like this approach because it helps there site to be as professional as possible and it helps the writers make a bit more money due to that rule. The other main difference is that Info Barrel gives you %75 of the adsense earnings, not bad I say. Another difference is with Info Barrel they do review your articles before letting it post. At Xomba you write, review hit submit and there it is. Info Barrel takes a few hours to a day, to review your article and make sure it is not posted somewhere else.

One of the things I like about Info Barrel is they let you use two self-serving URL's in your article, as long as the article does not sound like an advertisement ad and it benefits the community. So far I have one article up and one in review. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this site helps bring some money in. Here is my first article: Stages In The Criminal Justice Process.

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Xomba And The Art Of Making Money Online

Okay so in the last few days I have signed up at a site called Xomba. What is Xomba? Well it is a site where members can earn money from posting Xombytes and Xomblurbs. What are Xombytes and Xomblurbs? Well, a Xombyte is an article that is submitted to Xomba. When writing the article you need to remember that it has to be at least 150 words long. A Xomblurb is a social bookmarking blurb that allows users to share links to websites, articles, blogs, images and videos. You should remember that a Xomblurb needs to be 50 words long.

So how do you make money by contributing to this community? Xomba uses google adsense on every page of the site, (this means Xomblurbs too) and any posts made by the user will display targeted adds. Xomba the splits the money revenue on a 50/50 biases with you.
In case you are wondering, the user retains all rights to any article they post on Xomba and you can add a Creative Commons license if you wish.

As I've said before, I've just started with this sight. I have about 4 Xomblurbs up:
Squad Car, Cheap Las Vegas Vacation, Whale Trips, and The Criminal Justice Process. I have a good feeling about this site based on user reviews and some of the testimonials. There are some great articles on the sight about other people's experiences with using Xomba. There are even people making over $1000 a month on it. I'm not saying that I'm going to be that person, but hey, I'm going to try to do my best. As always, content is king with a site like this. So I hope to up my production of Xombytes and Xomblurbs and see what comes. I will of course keep you updated on my progress. Until then, check out Xomba, it just might be for you.

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Using CashCrate

Okay, so one of the places I have signed up for is
CashCrate. This sight helps compaines find consumers. Companies need consumers to try out products and check out their websites and most of them pay a little money to do so. What
CashCrate, give you a list of these offers that pay money. Instead of searching around the internet for these offers, they have a handy dandy list that tells you what the offer intails and how much it pays. So far, I've made about $5.75 in the last day on the sight. Doesn't seem like much but it does add up.

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Welcome To My Quest

Hi all and welcome. So as I'm sure you can tell, the goal of this blog is to track my progress to be completely debt free. Thanks to the awesome economy and some screw ups of my own, I owe money. The bi-weekly pay check is not enough so I have been thinking about ways to make a little extra cash. I'm not the one to go out and get a part-time job, because:
1) There are other people out there who don't have any job and need it more than I do.

2) I don't want to work retail or flip burgers.

3) I would rather do a freelance type thing where I am my own boss.

Soooooo.....I'm going to try to do this by making some extra money online. I know it can be done because I've been making a little extra a month with Ebay Partner Network. I started out with the Build A Niche Program and was making around $300 extra dollars a month. Not bad, but now that Ebay has changed the way it pays affiliates, I have now dropped down to about $150 a month. That is not acceptable. So my goals? To make between $600 and $1000 extra month and to eliminate $25,000 in debt over the next two years (I hope sooner.)

Like I said above, I will use this blog to track my progress. I will let you know what places I'm using to make that extra money and I will update my earnings every month. Thanks for checking out my blog, and I hope you check back often!

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