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Where To Find Ideas

So over the last few days I've been trying to come up with ways to find good topics for my articles. One suggestion to me was to check out the questions asked at Yahoo Answers. I have to say, I did get one or two ideas from it, but wow, have you ever checked those questions out? I know there is suppose to be no such thing as a stupid questions, but folks, I've come across some questions that can not be otherwise described as stupid.

So, I've moved on to checking out what is popular on the article sites. I'm guessing if the subject is popular at sites like Ezines, and Go Articles then I'm sure they will be popular at the sites I write at. Now, to just get a good list and see what works.

So far I have not been able to figure out if Infobarrel or Xomba is the better site. I'm sure it will take a few months before it is figured out. Both sites seem to get good juice from google, and I'm doing well with page hits from both of them. I'm actually doing better with these two sites then with Squidoo and Hubpages. That alone makes me want to churn out more articles for those two sites.

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