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Updates - She Told Me- Chitika - InfoBarrel

Hey all, or the two people who actually read this blog:) (I hope there is more), in my quest to make money online, I recently signed up for a new site called, She Told Me. It is a social bookmarking site like Digg, but the difference is that they pay you 100% of the adsense revenue that appears on your submissions. For each link you submit to SheToldMe.com a page is created with the title of the link, the link, a description, a screenshot of the website hosting the link, and a link to your main site if you add one. Up to 3 AdSense blocks are displayed on this page and of course, if anyone clicks, you get the money. I just started last week with this, mostly as a way to promote my articles on Infobarrel and Xomba but I will let you know how it goes.

Speaking of Infobarrel, I have put up a few more artilces,Scoopable Litter- Which On Is The Best?, and article about, finding better scoopable litter then the scoopable clay litter that may harm your cat. Also, The Exxon Valdez And The Emergence Of Environmental Crime, a piece on how the Exxon Valdez oil spill was the catalyst for the emergence of fines and jail sentences for crimes against the environment. I also wrote an over view onHow To become A Pharmacist , and The Four Most Underrated Walt Disney Movies , and last but not least Club Drugs-What You should Know About Them and an overview of Criminal Insanity. Check them out if you get a chance and let me know what you think.

I have also signed up for Chitika, will update that more when my application gets accepted. I'm still working on getting a twitter account. I've been busy but I will do it this weekend, oh and I will be trying out new templates. I don't really like this one, but hey it works for now.

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